Information for the new or leisure cyclist Information for the racing or touring cyclist Cycling initiatives, routes etc.
Government and other cycling initiatives
Cycling in New Forest
Northern Link

Regular route 19.2 miles
(1) Short - 9 miles
(2) Extension (Brockenhurst - Lyndhurst) 17 miles
(3) Pub Refreshments. Turn left onto road and cycle for about 3 miles (ignoring all junctions) until reach High Corner Inn or Red Shoot Inn.

A. Cycle Experience (2.1 miles to next point)
Leave Island Shop and proceed down Brookley Road. Continue through the village until reaching the Watersplash. Cross the Watersplash and turn right at T-junction after ford. Follow Rhinefield Road around to the left and past the Forest Park Hotel. Continue for ½ mile until road reaches open heathland and car park on the right. Turn right off the toward towards Beachern Wood and Aldridge Hill campsite. Carry along road until take track off the second sharp bend (Ober Corner).


B. Ober Corner (5.2 miles to next point)
Carry along track until reaching Bolderford Bridge. Go through gate after bridge and continue for 100 yds until reaching first junction on the left. Turn left, proceed through gate and continue for about ¾ mile, until second gate. Proceed through gate, ignore right-turn off the bend and continue through next gate and into the Conservation Area. Proceed for a short while until reaching another gate. Continue through gate, past Deer Fields until reaching another gate on the open heathland. Proceed through gate and continue to a track crossing (1). Turn immediately right and follow gravel track which bends sharply before reaching Rhinefield Drive. Turn right onto drive and continue until it meets the A35 main road. Cross this road and pick up the Bolderwood Drive on the opposite side. Cycle along road for about a mile until passing Barrow Moor picnic spot on the right.

C. Barrow Moor Car Park (3.9 miles to next point).

Take the next gravel track junction on the left. Follow track until it forks and take the track on the right. Continue for ½ mile before passing through the double gates at the top of an incline. Pass one left-turn and one right-turn and continue until reaching a track crossing. Turn right and follow track up past Woolfield Cottage. Carry on up the hill until reaching a T-junction. Turn right and proceed down hill, around to the left for ¾ mile until passing a left-turn which doubles back on the track. Continue northwards along forest track for ½ mile until passing a right junction. Continue up hill, through the Deer Sanctuary until reaching the top of the Bolderwood Drive. (2) (3)

D. Bolderwood Drive (8 miles to the next point)
Turn right onto road and continue to the next right junction. Keep right and proceed through the Bolderwood Arboretum until meeting the A35. Cross the road and follow Rhinefield Drive back to Brockenhurst. Return to the Cycle Experience via the village centre.

(1) Short Route
- Turn immediately left and follow gravel track for 1 mile until Rhinefield Drive. Turn right onto road and follow until reaching Rhinefield House. Turn left onto Drive and follow it back to Brockenhurst.

(2) Extension to Lyndhurst. Cross road (memorial is on your right) and proceed through the gate into the enclosure. Continue along track and down hill, ignoring right turn. You will soon reach a small wooden bridge over a stream.

i. Wooden Bridge - Cross bridge and carry on until reaching the next fork junction. Keep left and continue until passing a left turn. Continue along track and eventually proceed through the gates at the edge of the enclosure. Follow track through Acres Down Car Park until reaching tarmac lane in Acres Down. Turn right onto lane and continue past Annie's Tea Garden. Cycle along lane until you reach a crossroads.

ii. Crossroads - Turn right onto road and follow towards Lyndhurst. Continue for 1 ½ miles until you reach Emery Down. Continue past the New Forest Inn on the right and turn left towards 'Minstead' at the next junction. Continue along lane for ¾ mile until reaching next right junction. Turn right and follow lane into 'Pikes hill', passing the Waterloo Arms on the right before reaching the road into Lyndhurst.

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providers of marketing and design services to the small/medium sized business. Specialists in the cycling and outdoor industry.