Information for the new or leisure cyclist Information for the racing or touring cyclist Cycling initiatives, routes etc.
Information and advice for advance touring or racing cyclists
Fit your bike
Advanced bike fitting
Body pains explained
Braking at speed
Leaning in turns
Some major Tours
Bike Line
Legal lighting
Cycle Training
Different cyclists
Weight training
Strength training
Heart Rate training
Cross training
Turbo training
The Training Diary
Nutrition for Cycling
Weight control
How much to eat
Main energy sources
Increasing caloric output
Effects on digestive tract
Factors affecting digestion
Optimal cycling diet
Nutrition for common rides
Post ride nutrition
Performance enhancers 1
Performance enhancers 2
Final considerations
Road Racing
Track Racing
Bikes and equipment


Setting your bike up
Braking and descending
Hill climbing
Lifting the front wheel
Lifting the rear wheel
Tips for women
On the trail kit
Factors affecting Digestion and absorbtion

When designing a nutritional program to supplement the body's energy stores, the rate of digestion and absorption of foods must be taken into account. The time needed for the stomach to start the digestive process, empty its contents into the small intestine, and have the food components absorbed into the bloodstream will directly affect how quickly any food will be available to the muscle to provide the Calories for exercise.

You have some control over four major factors influencing the digestive process.

  • Solid versus liquid - liquids are emptied from the stomach more quickly than solids.
  • Fat content of the food - fat slows the digestive process and delays the availability of any Calories to the muscles.
  • Sugar concentration - especially in liquids, a sugar content of more than 10% will slow stomach emptying. (The use of complex carbohydrates, will offset this to some degree and offers an alternative strategy to maximize Caloric intake.)
  • Physical activity level of the cyclist - the mechanical activity of digestion is slowed by any vigorous activity, usually starting at 70% VO2 max. Except in short, all out events, this is rarely an issue, and it is much less so for cycling than for running where the additional component of mechanical stimulation of abdominal contents from the sport itself slows digestive tract functioning.

From the above four points, it is easy to see that the optimal food for a rapid, high energy boost during a ride would be a semi-liquid or liquid carbohydrate with minimal if any fat. On the other hand, an endurance athlete, competing at a lower VO2 max., might prefer a complex carbohydrate with some fat added to improve taste (and generally in a solid form), in order to slow emptying from the stomach and even out absorption over a longer period of time.

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providers of marketing and design services to the small/medium sized business. Specialists in the cycling and outdoor industry.